Monday, 3 January 2011

Snow Snow Snow

This December I've had an awful time with all the wintery weather! As usual many of the airport in the UK were closed due to 'record breaking snow fall' and caused travellers grief.

However as always there is a positive side to all the snow! It's beautiful. So I spent my time when trapped in cold and icy Leeds, photographing some of the stunning shapes and colours only ever seen in the winter.

Below are just a few of the photos that I took. The others can be found on Flickr if you just search for Vicky Black DESN you should find me! I hope you enjoy and there should be more photos up soon.

Icicles outside Leeds uni taken by Victoria Richardsã

Snow in Hyde Park Leeds taken by Victoria Richardsã
Ice taken by Victoria Richardsã

Ice taken by Victoria Richardsã

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